Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jing Tong Sut (Steam Cat Fish)

Clean and chop catfish into 3 big pieces. Place catfish in a dish
Place in steamer and steam for

In a seperate pot, add oil and green onions onto low fire
Add soy sauce
Add a bit of sugar

When fish is almost ready, add soy sauce/green onion mixture to the cat fish.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Ong choi tong (vietnamese)

ong choi tong
tamarand soup base
optional salt or/and chicken buollon

Saturday, July 21, 2007

mussels in black bean and garlic sauce

chop garlic and black beans
add in mussels
add oyster sauce
stir fry for a couple of minutes

Sunday, July 8, 2007

tofu and tomatoes

let tofu sit in a colander and let all the juices run out.
cut tofu into big chunks.

add 1 or 2 teaspoon of oil to wok and lightly fry (don't deep fry) the tofu.
remove tofu onto a plate.

add in tomatoes, tofu and water.
add in a bit of fish sauce, sugar and chicken boillon.
add in green onions.

(oyster sauce is optional)


stir fry crush garlic for a couple of seconds under high heat
add in brocole
stir fry for a couple of seconds more
add in a bit of water (several teaspoons, mom just pours it)
add a bit of salt (1 teaspoon?)
add a bit of fish sauce (1 teaspoon or 2?)
add a bit of chicken boillon (1 teaspoon)
stir fry some more

(cover the wok if you want the brocoole to be softer)


Ngoc Ngoc Choi

Stir fry shredded onions in high heat until slightly golden.
Stir fry ngoc ngoc choi (salted turnips/choi poe)
Add a bit of water
1 small spoon of sugar
Stir fry for a minute or two.
Remove onto plate.

Mom then adds one teasespoon of oil
Add in crushed/chopped garlic
add in shredded pork (marinate w/ soysauce + sugar optional chicken boillon)
stir fry over high heat until cooked (only for a couple of minutes)

Toss ngoc ngoc choi back into the wok for one final stir.
Add water if needed.